Sentient Terrains, Anglim/Trimble Gallery, San Francisco, CA, 2023

All flags, left to right:
42 in.x 96 in., duplex printed satin, canvas, grommets / 2023

Meta-site Flag: Vascular Facies (Lava/Orchid)

Meta-site Flag: Vascular Facies (Hemoglobin/Chlorophyll) II

Meta-site Flag: Vascular Facies (Iron Rain/Hemoglobin) I

Meta-site Flag: Vascular Facies (Chlorophyll) & Meta-site Flag: Vascular Facies (Hemoglobin/Chlorophyll) I

Meta-site Flag: Vascular Facies (Iron Rain/Hemoglobin) II

Meta-site Flag: Vascular Facies (Hematite/Hemoglobin)

Meta-site Flag: Vascular Facies (Serpentinite/Chlorophyll)

Meta-site Flag: Sediment Sea/Internal Wake

The Meta-site/Vascular Facies Flags herald and explore themes of global metabolism and trans-material sentience. Vascular facies of this series signal a gradient or flow between two states, sentient to non-sentient, organic to non-organic, with the transitions implying a poetic if not actual unity or continuity between states.  As meta-site extensions of the Geology Flags, 2004-present, the energy flows and transformations at the vascular level transcend geologic, geographic and chronological boundaries seeking a new language of materiality and meta-site through a vitalist, geochemical lens. The role of iron in both the mineral hematite and the blood constituent hemoglobin, as well as the magnesium at the core molecular level of the mineral serpentinite and chlorophyll, are examples of vascular material and sentient facies. These attributes are at the core of the Land Kilns and related ceramic/environmental process works.  Ancient Sunlight, a fundamental premise of the vascular nature of the Land Kilns, can be understood as a catalytic revealing of alternate, “organic,” interpretations of “inorganic” substances, transformation and systems.  This revelation is implicit and intuited in the conceptualization of the all the vascular facies works. They embrace a metabolic order at a global scale over large orders of time and magnitude, a ‘synthetic ecology’ (Hegel) of metamorphic facies, perturbations, and an evolving phase space of material ontology.